A performance management process is often used when an organisation hopes to work with an individual to help them to achieve and meet the requirements for them to be able to carry out their role.
(If the issues occur during an employee’s probationary period please contact our HR team for guidance on 0800 953 4020).
Some things to consider when embarking on this process:
Don’t Delay
Sometimes Managers delay raising concerns with an employee about their performance. This can mean that the employee has a false impression about how they are performing in the role and when the matter is raised this can come as a shock. Also, consider the rest of the team. If they see a colleague not pulling their weight this can affect teams morale.
Be Prepared
Ensure that you have examples to back up the points you are making regarding their performance. A vague ‘you aren’t doing a good job’ isn’t going to suffice. Be as specific as you can with regards to the areas of concern.
Consider other Factors
If a performance issue has suddenly appeared there might be a factor in the background which has contributed to this e.g. a relationship issue, a new baby in the family, an illness of a close family member. Also consider the workplace – has there been a dip in morale? Do you suspect that the employee might be being bullied?
Follow a Process
When invoking a performance management process you will need to ensure that you set achievable clear objectives with realistic timescales
You can start by holding a meeting and highlight the standards that are expected of them to carry out their role. You can highlight areas they are good at and areas where improvements will need to be made.
This first meeting should be supportive although, you will need to set specific objectives to be met, a realistic timescale and arrange the next meeting date. You will also need to consider offering training where needed to help the member of staff meet their objectives
You will need to make a plan regarding areas that require improvement, meetings and timescales. Also, you will need to keep documentation regarding this process.
If the person keeps failing to meet the requirements of their role you will need to increase the number of meetings and have written evidence of your discussions, as at this point you are potentially moving towards a disciplinary process. Our HR team can offer support with individual performance management cases.
If it doesn’t go to Plan
Unfortunately there will be occasions where the performance management route does not work and it becomes apparent that you will need to manage the individual out of the organisation. You will then be looking at following a disciplinary process and our HR team can offer guidance. It usually takes about 9-12 months to work through the process of performance managing someone out of an organisation, but remember the aim of this process is to help them achieve and retain their job.
If you would like any further information or support in managing a case please contact our HR team on 0800 953 4020 or e-mail Pauline pauline@lmcukservices.co.uk, Amy amy@lmcukservices.co.uk or Cathy cathy@lmcukservices.co.uk